there was a festival of dancing groups by the river the other day. could hear it each time i went out onto the veranda. finaly cycled down to take a few snaps. Caught the last 30 minutes. Went to pick up my bike and there were people looking over the railing into the river saying 'oh, that's sad' etc. The fish. Best shot of the day.
Love this shot, so surreal, so perfect. Hope you and yours are keeping well, been busy here job hunting every which way, will talk soon.
there was a festival of dancing groups by the river the other day. could hear it each time i went out onto the veranda. finaly cycled down to take a few snaps. Caught the last 30 minutes. Went to pick up my bike and there were people looking over the railing into the river saying 'oh, that's sad' etc. The fish. Best shot of the day.
Nick お久しぶり!
私のブログの新しいURL です。
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